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33kv gas insulated substation

Shangdian have great pleasure in introducing our gis substation, 33kv gas insulated substation (GIS), a modern new high voltage power distribution asset. It is a delicate system created to transmit electricity over long distances and do so safely, dependently. We need robust electricity delivery systems, and our GIS ensures that currents arrives reliably where requested.

The Advantages of using Gas Insulated Substations for 33kv Transmission

GIS (gas insulated substation) is one of the smart and great solution for sending large amount of electricity. Gas insulated substations take up much less space as opposed to regular substations which are based on air insulation. This gis in substation is because space is constrained in most regions for larger buildings. They also emit less noise, which is great news for the residents who have to live with round-the-clock construction. It also a key advantage – as you would expect for any electrical substation – it is cheaper to maintain over time, which means they are easier, take good care of. These systems need less land to be installed as they are make compact and also might be having less environment damage while their installation. This means that they are not efficient but also environmentally friendly as well.

Why choose Shangdian 33kv gas insulated substation?

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